If you’re like many people, you absolutely love seafood. After all, it’s a healthy and delicious way to get your protein and other nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids. But did you know that not all seafood is safe to eat?
In fact, many types of seafood can contain harmful toxins that can make you sick. Moreover, you might be buying seafood that isn’t fresh without you even knowing it. That’s why it’s important to only buy seafood from trusted sources.
In this article, we’ll talk about the dangers of eating poor-quality seafood and how to avoid them. The first step is to order seafood online with Manettas. And on that note, let’s dig a little deeper.
Poor-Quality Seafood Is Often Contaminated with Toxins

One of the biggest dangers of eating poor-quality seafood is that it’s often contaminated with toxins. These toxins can come from pollution in the water where the seafood was raised or caught.
They can also come from the use of certain chemicals or drugs in fish farms.
Some of the most common toxins found in seafood include mercury, lead and arsenic. These toxins can cause a range of health problems, including neurological damage, heart disease and cancer.
In fact, mercury poisoning is one of the leading causes of death from seafood consumption.
Poor-Quality Seafood Is Often Not Fresh
When seafood isn’t fresh, it can spoil and become dangerous to eat. Signs that seafood is not fresh include a bad smell, slimy texture and discolouration. If you eat spoiled seafood, you could end up with food poisoning, which can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. In severe cases, food poisoning can even be fatal.
You Could Be Buying Fraudulent Seafood

Unfortunately, seafood fraud is a big problem in the seafood industry. This is when companies sell one type of seafood as another, usually cheaper type. For example, you might buy salmon but get tilapia instead.
Not only is this deceptive, but it can also be dangerous. If you have an allergy to a certain type of seafood, you could have a serious reaction if you eat the wrong thing.
Poor-Quality Seafood Is Often Lower in Nutrients
When seafood is of poor quality, it’s often lower in nutrients. This is because the fish are raised or caught in conditions that aren’t ideal, which can lead to them being smaller and less nutritious.
What’s more, many of the toxins found in seafood can actually bind to nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, making them unavailable for your body to use. This means that you might not be getting all of the health benefits that you think you are getting when you eat poor-quality seafood.
You Might Be Supporting Illegal Activities

Another reason to avoid eating poor-quality seafood is that you might be supporting illegal activities. This is because a lot of seafood is caught in ways that are not sustainable or legal. For example, many types of fish are caught using methods that kill dolphins and other marine animals.
In addition, a lot of seafood is caught in protected areas or by fishermen who don’t have the proper licences. This means that the seafood is often of poor quality because it was not raised or caught in the best conditions.
Buying seafood from trusted sources is the best way to avoid these dangers. Make sure to buy from companies that follow sustainable fishing practices and that only sell fresh, high-quality seafood.
This will help you to enjoy all of the health benefits that seafood has to offer while protecting the environment and ensuring that you’re not supporting any illegal activities.